

Tea-herbs-spices sind wir, die Familie Schlott. Als Teeexpertin und Verpackungsspezialist bieten wir die perfekte Fachbereich Kombination, um geschmackvolle Tees und Kräutermischungen anzubieten. Wir arbeiten in Appen, am Stadtrand von Hamburg. Dort entwickeln wir unsere Rezepturen und versuchen zusammen mit unseren Mitarbeitern, unsere Kunden immer wieder aufs Neue mit tollen gesunden Tees, aromatischen Gewürzen und harmonischen Kräutermischungen zu begeistern.

As an independent and autonomous family business, we develop new recipes independently or also gladly together with our partners and package them ourselves in our own packaging plant. We don't ship teas to the ends of the earth and call it "Made in Hamburg". We package all our goods ourselves. We are authentic and transparent in everything we do. And you can do that best when you still have a hand in it yourself.

This is probably why many people consider us a long-standing, reliable partner for business customers worldwide.

It is becoming increasingly important to reduce the amount of plastic in production, and we are constantly working to use resources sparingly. We support regional companies of and for packaging materials, not only plants for teas and herbal blends are important to us, but of course also our environment and fellow human beings in general.

That's why we donate part of our profits to social and/or medical projects every year. One of these is the KinderPaCT Hamburg eV association, which supports families with seriously ill children.